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A long time ago, Anansi the smartest of all creatures and the Baboon were friends. They laughed, played and feasted together. It was said that they were inseparable

Anansi enjoyed his friendship with the Baboon as he benefited more from their collaboration, when ever they went out to hunt for food, Anansi would devise ways to cheat the Baboon so he always took the bigger share home. The baboon did not mind, he knew his friend was a glutton

One day the duo went out to search for food as usual and came around a banana plant teeming with ripe bananas. The Baboon loved bananas but it is said that in the those days, Anansi loved bananas as much as his friend. On sighting these succulent fruits, Anansi began to scheme. He wanted the banana all to himself

While the Baboon wanted to share the bananas equally with his friend, Anansi came up with an idea. He convinced Baboon that one of them should have all the bananas while the other should get the stump of the plant

Baboon : why would anyone want the stump of this plant?

Anansi: My friend, this stump is where the real value is. Take it home and after two nights it turns into baskets of banana. Everyone knows this, how come you don't?

Okay, the Baboon agreed

Because Anansi was always the first to choose, he choose the succulent fruit and left the stump for the Baboon. The Baboon was not happy but he didn't mind too much, after all in two nights he would be dancing in baskets of bananas

While Anansi went home to enjoy his bananas the Baboon waited patiently for his miracle but two nights passed and all he had was still a stump, so he went to Anansi and met his friend dinning on bananas

Baboon: Two nights have passed and all i have is a stump. I have inquired, no one knows the secret of bananas. You lied to me, Anansi

Anansi: Oh about that, i am too smart, Baboon and you on the other hand are too easy to fool. It is very difficult for me not to outshine you every time. I wish i can help it but i can't

Baboon: Can you at least give me some bananas so we can put this behind us

Anansi: that doesn't sound like a good deal, we had a bargain, remember?

The Baboon left Anansi heart broken, he couldn't believe he called Anansi his best friend. When he got home he decided to end his friendship with Anansi and because he wasn't one to hold on to grudge, he would bury the stump and move on with his life

Seven days later, he went to his back yard and what he saw was seemed like pure magic. A beautiful banana tree growing at the spot he had buried the stump, the tree grew up and produced the most delicious bananas anyone had ever tasted. The Baboon had discovered the secret of bananas

Anansi heard news of Baboon's succulent bananas and decided to pay his former friend a visit, but the Baboon denied him some succulence. Anansi has never tasted bananas since the last one he ate up to this day

It is said that the Baboon always scratch his body because of Anansi trying to itch him so he'll reveal the secret of bananas to him


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