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Once upon a time, a great king ruled the kingdom of Gbogan, after winning several great victories for his people he became ill due to accumulated injuries. All the medicine men in the kingdom and neighbouring kingdoms tried to treat him but to no avail. Finally it was concluded that Ikumejakako, the most dreaded amongst herbalist should be consulted, so the king sent his chief to the evil forest to fetch the man who was once banished for his daring methods
Ikumejakako observed the king and knew exactly what he needed to treat the him, instantly. He demanded for an elephant, only a special broth brewed from the elephant's skin would be able to cure the king

The king and his chiefs wondered how they would capture a big and dangerous animal like an elephant. The king after consultation with his chiefs made an announcement throughout the kingdom that anyone who would capture an elephant within seven days would get half his kingdom and his most beautiful daughter for a bride

Many men and beast alike tried but the elephant simply killed them and hanged their bodies on trees, but just when it seemed all hope was lost the tortoise came forward and accepted the challenge.

He dug a very deep pit and concealed it with raffia and mats, then he set a beautiful throne on it.
The tortoise then approached the best cook in the land and asked her to prepare the most delicious bean cakes anyone had ever tasted, after she was done tortoise went into the jungle to track the elephant

Tortoise: Elephant, what are you still doing here? haven't you heard the news? 

Elephant: What news? Do not disturb me tortoise, I do not like gossip

Tortoise: Now that you are king, one would imagine you would listen more to your followers

Elephant: A King, what King? 

Tortoise: The king is dead and the elders have decided to make you king over all Gbogan lands

Elephant:you must be a joker tortoise, who would want to make a beast like me king

Tortoise: There is no time for explanations, preparations are already going on for your coronation, we must make haste, my king

He brought out the bean cakes and served it to the elephant

Elephant: this is delicious, tortoise where did you get this

Tortoise: They were made by your cook, my king

The elephant was thrilled and so he followed the tortoise back to Gbogan kingdom while he ate more bean cakes which was being served him by the tortoise

As the tortoise and the elephant approached the palace, news of the capture of the elephant spread through the kingdom, everybody came out of their houses and started following the duo to the palace. This all created an atmosphere of festivities reinforcing the belief in the elephant's mind that he was to be made king

Elephant: Your story must be true, the people are really happy to see me. 

Tortoise: They are indeed happy to see you

As the throne finally came into sight, the elephant lumbered into it majestically amidst dancing and singing. He sat on the throne and instantly the ground gave way beneath him and he fell into the pit. The king's warriors immediately descended upon him with spears and clubs and butchered him. Once the king had taken a sip of the elephant broth made for him, he became instantly well and fulfilled his promise towards the tortoise.
