One upon a time in the animal kingdom, the tortoise and the monkey had a disagreement, the monkey had cheated the tortoise and he had promised he would make him pay. The monkey laughed at the tortoise telling him that he was too slow and stupid to do anything about it.
The tortoise went home to think about ways to make monkey pay, the he told his wife to make him sweet bean cakes which he wrapped nicely and took to the elephant’s house. After exchanging pleasantries tortoise offered the elephant the sweet bean cakes. The elephant had never eaten anything so delicious, after he was done enjoying the cakes the elephant asked the tortoise where he got it from “Oh I made it from the feaces of the monkey, all I did was beat him till the sweet ones came out!” the elephant thanked the tortoise and proceeded to the monkey’s house to get more of the sweet bean cakes.
The elephant beat the monkey so much asking him to pass out the sweet bean cakes while the monkey kept pleading assuring the elephant that he knew nothing of the sweet bean cakes. From time to time, the elephant would stop to taste the feaces the monkey had passed out but kept beating him, just before the monkey passed out the elephant would stop his beatings, he would return the next day to give the monkey more beatings
The tortoise went home to think about ways to make monkey pay, the he told his wife to make him sweet bean cakes which he wrapped nicely and took to the elephant’s house. After exchanging pleasantries tortoise offered the elephant the sweet bean cakes. The elephant had never eaten anything so delicious, after he was done enjoying the cakes the elephant asked the tortoise where he got it from “Oh I made it from the feaces of the monkey, all I did was beat him till the sweet ones came out!” the elephant thanked the tortoise and proceeded to the monkey’s house to get more of the sweet bean cakes.
The elephant beat the monkey so much asking him to pass out the sweet bean cakes while the monkey kept pleading assuring the elephant that he knew nothing of the sweet bean cakes. From time to time, the elephant would stop to taste the feaces the monkey had passed out but kept beating him, just before the monkey passed out the elephant would stop his beatings, he would return the next day to give the monkey more beatings
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