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Mbe the tortoise considered himself the wisest of all creatures, he had proven this over and over again but as he grew older, he became paranoid

What if some one becomes wiser than i am, who would respect me then.. The tortoise came up with a plan, he would gather all the wisdom in the world and lock it away and so his journey around the globe began

First he visited the kings of birds and stole the secret of flight, then he went to the great Python from whom he stole the secret of stealth. From the Elephant he stole strength, from the Lion he stole ferocity. He tricked the giant Rat to teach him the secret of dungeons and the Antelope taught him the usefulness of grass

After the tortoise was done visiting all the creatures and kingdoms of the world and stealing what ever knowledge they had, he was finally pleased. He gathered the wisdom into a gourd and hung it on his neck, then he resolved to hide the wisdom he had gathered at the top of the world's tallest palm tree. It is said that the tree was so tall even Eagles couldn't reach it

To get to the top he tied a rope around himself and the tree to haul himself up, but the gourd was between him and the tree trunk making it difficult to climb. He would make a little progress and slide right back down. Meanwhile, a snail who was passing by had stopped to watch the tortoise. After watching the tortoise slide down the tree times without number, the snail gave him a suggestion

Snail: Why don't you throw the gourd behind you instead of hanging it in front .. The tortoise turned towards the snail as he walked away. He tired the snail's suggestion and before long he was at the top of the palm tree. Then he realized how futile his effort was. He'd gathered all the wisdom in the world yet he couldn't figure out how to climb a simple tree. He threw the gourd to the ground where it broke into several pieces allowing all the wisdom to escape back into the world

It is said that the tortoise is wise but the snail is wiser


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